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Hao Liu

I am a first-year Ph.D student at Networked Systems Group and Embedded Systems Group of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). My research focuses on embedded AI and visible light sensing. I am co-advised by Dr. Marco Zuniga and Dr. Qing Wang. I obtained my MSc degree from the Embedded Systems Program at TU Delft.

Email: H.Liu-8@tudelft.nl  


  • 10/2021, Through-Screen Visible Light Sensing accepted to ACM Workshop AIChallengeIoT'21.
  • Publications

    I'm interested in devleoping efficient AI models on embedded devices (such as digits representation[8 bits, constants and etc], approximate convolutional computation, optimised matrix computation, CMSIS-NN and etc).

    Conference Papers:

    1. Through-Screen Visible Light Sensing Empowered by Embedded Deep Learning
      Hao Liu, Hanting Ye, Jie Yang, Qing Wang
      ACM Sensys Workshop on AIChallengeIoT, 2021. [paper]
